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YouTube ReVanced - Watch YouTube Without Ads

YouTube ReVanced - Watch YouTube Without Ads v18.45.43

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YouTube ReVanced APK

Get the official YouTube app on Android phones and tablets. See what the world is watching -- from the hottest music videos to what’s popular in gaming, fashion, beauty, news, learning and more. Subscribe to channels you love, create content of your own, share with friends, and watch on any device.

Watch and subscribe
● Browse personal recommendations on Home
● See the latest from your favorite channels in Subscriptions
● Look up videos you’ve watched, liked, and saved for later in Library

Explore different topics, what’s popular, and on the rise (available in select countries)
● Stay up to date on what’s popular in music, gaming, beauty, news, learning and more
● See what’s trending on YouTube and around the world on Explore
● Learn about the coolest Creators, Gamers, and Artists on the Rise (available in select countries)

Connect with the YouTube community
● Keep up with your favorites creators with Posts, Stories, Premieres, and Live streams
● Join the conversation with comments and interact with creators and other community members

Create content from your mobile device
● Create or upload your own videos directly in the app
● Engage with your audience in real time with live streaming right from the app

Find the experience that fits you and your family (available in select countries)
● Every family has their own approach to online video. Learn about your options: the YouTube Kids app or a new parent supervised experience on YouTube at youtube.com/myfamily

Support creators you love with channel memberships (available in select countries)
● Join channels that offer paid monthly memberships and support their work
● Get access to exclusive perks from the channel & become part of their members community
● Stand out in comments and live chats with a loyalty badge next to your username

Upgrade to YouTube Premium (available in select countries)
● Watch videos uninterrupted by ads, while using other apps, or when the screen is locked
● Save videos for when you really need them – like when you’re on a plane or commuting
● Get access to YouTube Music Premium as part of your benefits

Mod Information:​

  • Adds volume and brightness swipe controls.
  • Enables downloading music and videos from YouTube.
  • Enables tap-to-seek on the seekbar of the video player.
  • Adds the ability to remember the video quality you chose in the video quality flyout.
  • Enables app debugging by patching the manifest file.
  • Adds more video playback speed options.
  • Enables minimized and background playback.
  • Spoofs the YouTube or Vanced client to prevent playback issues.
  • Lets you change the buffers of videos.
  • Adds settings for ReVanced to YouTube.
  • Allows YouTube ReVanced to run without root and under a different package name with Vanced MicroG.
  • Makes the brightness of HDR videos follow the system default.
  • Always repeats the playing video again.
  • Removes general ads.
  • Hides infocards in videos.
  • Removes ads in the video player.
  • Hides progress bar and time counter on videos.
  • Enables the original quality flyout menu.
  • Replaces the search icon with a wide search bar. This will hide the YouTube logo when active.
  • Disables video description and comments panel in fullscreen view.
  • Hides the autoplay button in the video player.
  • Disables playing YouTube Shorts when launching YouTube.
  • Shows premium branding on the home screen.
  • Changes the YouTube launcher icon and name to your choice (defaults to ReVanced).
  • Hides the create button in the navigation bar.
  • Applies a custom theme.
  • Hides the email address in the account switcher.
  • Integrate SponsorBlock.
  • Hides the cast button in the video player.
  • Enables the tablet mini player layout.
  • Shows the dislike count of videos using the Return YouTube Dislike API.
  • Hides creator's watermarks on videos.
  • Disable automatic popup panels (playlist or live chat) on video player.
  • Disable forced captions from being automatically enabled.


  • Non-Root Users Require MicroG to sign-in.​

  • Some features may be broken/not working properly. This is because the app is still under active development.​

  • This mod is based on open-source ReVanced Patches​

View attachment 302
  • YouTube-ReVanced-APK.png
    21.9 KB · Views: 3
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