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WPMU Dev Hustle Pro

WPMU Dev Hustle Pro v4.8.3

No permission to download

Convert visitors into subscribers, generate more leads, and grow your social following with the help of the features below:
  • Unlimited CampaignsStart attracting more visitors and driving better results. Create UNLIMITED opt-ins, pop-ups, social share bars, and embeds.
  • Designer TemplatesStreamline the process of creating marketing modules. Choose from a range of pre-designed (and responsive) marketing templates.
  • Style & CustomizeFlexible and simple appearance settings to help your marketing stand out. Customize colors, animations, layouts, drop shadows, and more.
  • Behaviors & TriggersSet up a range of behaviors and triggers for your pop-ups and slide-ins. Triggers like: time on page, scroll amount, exit-intent, and more.
  • Smart Social SharingEnable the most popular social networks and use floating social bars, counters, widgets, and shortcodes to help build your following.
  • Third Party IntegrationsIntegrate with your favorite email services. AWeber, MailChimp, Constant Contact, Sendy, Infusionsoft, GetResponse, Campaign Monitor, and more.
  • Visibility ConditionsTarget specific users with Hustle Pro's behavior and condition settings. Intelligent conditions such as: specific pages and posts, device/browser, country, and more.
  • Set Defined SchedulesSchedule exactly when you want your marketing modules to deploy. Set start and end dates, specific days of the week, a certain time of day - the list goes on.
  • Insightful AnalyticsMeasure the results of all your marketing campaigns with intelligent tracking data, conversion stats, and insightful charts.

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