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WPC Badge Management for WooCommerce By WPClever

WPC Badge Management for WooCommerce By WPClever 2.3.7

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Wpcbm 772x250 2021

WPC Badge Management for WooCommerce is impressively a versatile, multipurpose, and powerful plugin, which is exceptionally refined for badge management in online shops and WooCommerce sites. Beyond product labeling, it can be a razor sharp sword for ecommerce business owners to win their battle in increasing the conversion rate, improving sales and revenues, securing fast checkout, and boosting the customer retention rate.

The brand new plugin is designed for users to manage all kinds of badges and improve the visual appearance on both single product as well as archive pages with custom images, shapes, icons, colors, texts and even short-codes. Highly configurable and constantly improving, this plugin is indeed not just a mere tool for badge management but a supreme weapon that can bring about game-changing results.
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