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WP-Lister Pro for eBay Nulled Premium Plugin

WP-Lister Pro for eBay Nulled Premium Plugin v3.5.10

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WP Lister Pro for eBay

List products from WordPress on eBay

WP-Lister Pro for eBay connects your WooCommerce shop with your eBay Store. You can select multiple products right from your products page, select a profile to apply a set of predefined options and list them all on eBay with just a few clicks.
  • list any number of items
  • set up a profile once and apply to any number of products
  • verify items and get listing fees before actually listing them
  • mark as sold / decrease quantity when sold on eBay
  • map WooCommerce categories to eBay categories and store categories
  • supports calculated shipping services
  • support for product variations
  • built in template editor with HTML / CSS syntax highlighting
  • eBay account
  • WooCommerce 2.6 or better
  • WordPress 4.2 or better
  • PHP 5.6 or better with cURL support
  • decent webspace hosted on a Linux server
  • not hosted with an
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  • single language site – multilingual sites (WPML) are not supported yet
  • single site installation – multisite networks (WPMU) are not supported
If you have any doubt whether WP-Lister Pro will work as expected on your site, please check out the free version before purchasing WP-Lister Pro.

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  • WP-Lister Pro for eBay.png
    WP-Lister Pro for eBay.png
    18 KB · Views: 7
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  1. WP-Lister Pro for eBay

    3.5.10 - 2024-02-19 Fix: Use wp_remote_fopen() to get around allow_url_fopen restriction Fix...
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