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Wedding Invitation Card Maker - Shaadi Card Maker - Card Creator - Invite - Shaadi - Engagement

Wedding Invitation Card Maker - Shaadi Card Maker - Card Creator - Invite - Shaadi - Engagement v1.0

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Wedding Invitation Card Maker – Shaadi Card Maker – Card Creator – Invite – Shaadi – Engagement

Wedding Invitation Card Maker is a utility application that can be used to get beautiful Indian Wedding cards on your mobile phone and inviting your guests instantly.

If you are looking for next-gen Digital Invitation Card then this app is for you.

Weddings are surely the best moments of life. For inviting your loved ones, it’s a great idea to create a beautiful professional wedding invitation video.

Using this app you can easily create customise Indian wedding cards for different religions.

Using this app you can select so many tranding invitation cards and make your merrage invitation card easily.

In this Shaadi Card we have added Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Telugu, Tamilians, Maharashtrians cards.

Shaadi invitation card is so much easy for customisations just put details of Groom Vararājā Dhula and Bride Kan’yā Dulhan.

How to use

- Enter Bride Details - Enter Bride Family Details. - Enter Occasion Name and Timming. - Enter Occasion Location. - Enter RSVP names.

Using this app you can also make this occasion card easily

Save The Date Ring Ceremony Bachelor Party Announcements Pre Wedding Reception Miscellaneous
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