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Velzon - Admin & Dashboard Template

Velzon - Admin & Dashboard Template v4.1

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2022 09 20 19 26 22

Download Velzon - Admin & Dashboard Template Nulled Free ThemeForest
is a fully featured responsive admin & dashboard template.
Velzon is a fully responsive and premium Bootstrap 5 Admin & Dashboard Template built in HTML, React js, Angular 13, Vue 3, Laravel, ASP.Net Core, Django, CodeIgniter, Symfony, PHP, Ajax Node Js (EJS) & Cake PHP. Whether you’re creating a web app, dashboards, admin panels, eCommerce app, Project management, Crypto admin, CRM, or SASS-based interface then you are at the right place to buy this admin dashboard template. We have used gulp-based build tools and SCSS variables-based modes along with RTL supported except ( Ajax, PHP, Symfony & Nodejs ). You can quickly change the layout or mode by changing data attributes only instead of changing huge lines of codes. We have written complete minimal code for the beautiful UI. Velzon has 7 demos 5 types of different layouts ( Vertical, Horizontal, Detached, Two Columns & Hovered ) with multiple options like Fixed & Scrollable. Also support Dark, Light, and RTL modes and many other options which help you in the creating new project.
Velzon has 6 dashboards, 11+ apps and Landing Pages that can be used in Analytics, CRM, Ecommerce, Crypto, Project management, support, NFT marketplace or any other custom projects.

Velzon has 150+ pages, 40+ components, 30+ charts, 30+ widgets with fully responsive design in Desktops, Tablets and Mobile devices.

Ready to use apps:
We have not provided fully working apps with a database. All the apps are working with JavaScript which help developer to move faster in building real web application.

  • Calendar
  • Chat
  • Mailbox
  • eCommerce
  • Projects
  • Tasks
  • CRM
  • Crypto
  • Invoices
  • Support Tickets
  • NFT
Key Features:
  • Build with Bootstrap v5.1.3
  • Build with React Js 18.
  • Build with Angular 13
  • Build with Vue 3
  • Build with Django 4.0.2
  • Build with Laravel 9 with Mix
  • Build with ASP.Net Core 6
  • Build with Svetekit
  • Build with CodeIgniter 4.*
  • Build with Symfony
  • Build with PHP
  • Build with Ajax
  • Build with Nodejs (EJS)
  • Build with Cake PHP 4.3
  • Build with Flask
  • Dark, Light with RTL Supported
  • Multiple Layouts
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • W3C Validated HTML Pages
  • Gulp Based Workflow
  • Light-Weight Code
  • Easy to Customize with SCSS Variables
  • Lifetime Free Updates
  • Unlimited Template Possibilities
  • Calendar, Chat, Mailbox, eCommerce, Projects, Tasks, CRM, Crypto, Invoices, NFT, Email templates & Support Tickets Apps
  • Authentication & Error Pages
  • One Page & NFT Landing
  • Profile, Settings, Invoice, Coming soon, Maintenance, Timeline, Pricing, Gallery, FAQ and many more Pages
Layout Features:
  • Vertical, Horizontal & Detached
  • Light & Dark Modes
  • Fluid & Boxed Width
  • Fixed & Scrollable Positions
  • Light & Dark Topbars
  • Default, Compact, Small Icon & Icon Hovered Sidebars
  • Light & Colored Sidebars
  • LTR & RTL supported
Browser Compatibility:
  • Chrome (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  • Firefox (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  • Safari (Mac)
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Microsoft Edge
  • And other WebKit browsers
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Design Files:
In order to get design files (Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD files) contact us via
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. The design assets are available as complimentary only and not part of the template.

We have not provided SCSS support in the Ajax, Cake PHP, Symfony & NodeJS version.

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  1. Velzon - Admin & Dashboard Template

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