Modules and functionality
Customization of the color scheme of almost all the key blocks of the template. These are titles, links, buttons, backgrounds, titles-labels of slides in a slideshow, text and background of the main menu, footer, text banners and much more. Over 100 items in totalFast start
- Installing demo data, installing, copying and exporting template settings. In just a couple of clicks, you can get the look of the template as in the demo
PWA features (mobile app)
- All the necessary settings, including image selection, cache time, install banner text, backup page text, etc.
- Three types of main menu - horizontal, vertical and "Catalog" button next to the logo. Each with its own settings
- Pictures of categories and subcategories
- Banners in categories. HTML or Image
- Landing links for categories of the first and second levels of nesting
- Show the third level of categories in the main menu
- Additional custom links in the menu, 3 levels of nesting
- Ability to cache the main menu
- Showing multiple phone numbers or other types of contacts in the header
- Showing two phones at the same time
- Individual settings for each created contact point (icon, click action, etc.)
- "Live" and normal search. Can search by name, description, tags, model, article number, attributes, categories, manufacturer, etc.
- Search with transliteration in the product name - will find "Samsung TV" when searching for "Samsung TV"
- The "found in categories" block, which shows an interactive list of categories for the products found
- Block "Promotions by category" on the promotions page
Module "News" (blog)
- Ability to link products to news. Example - a store holds a promotion, we write about it in the news and immediately show the goods participating in the promotion
- Show product-related news in the product card
- Choice of displaying anchored news as a carousel or a grid.
- Category and news map in XML format
- Product card micro-markup
- Feedback micromarking in the product card
- Question-answer markup in the product card
- Micromarking of article and news page
- Micro-markup of the contact page
- Bread crumb micromarking
Quick order
- Many settings, including the ability to set a minimum order amount
- Transferring all data about goods from an order to Google Analytics and Yandex Metrics
Single page order
- Convenient and beautiful checkout module
- Blocks for pickup points - the buyer does not have to fill in extra fields. Point name, address, map, opening hours, etc.
- A lot of all the necessary settings (minimum order amount, showing "buy with this product", showing and hiding address fields, etc., etc.)
- Able to register a customer during the checkout process (with or without password auto-generation), update order data without reloading the page
- Able to work with custom fields of a customer group and show them dynamically
- Transferring all data about goods from an order to Google Analytics and Yandex Metrics
Subscribe to news
- Able to automatically register new customers when subscribing to the newsletter
- Able to accrue bonus points to customers as a reward for subscribing
- Sends emails with all data
Registration. authorization and personal account
- Showing authorization and registration windows in the "popup-window"
- Display settings for all main fields
- Settings for displaying blocks on the main page of the buyer's account
Module "5in1"
- Able to show new items, promotional products, recommended, bestsellers, popular products
- Able to create custom tabs/modules with the products you need
- Can display products from the selected category
Module "Contacts of buyers"
- Able to display the "Question-Answer" tab in the product card - buyers ask questions, the site administration answers.
- Able to replace the "Buy" button of the product with the "Notify" button when the quantity of goods is zero and send a notification letter about the receipt of the goods to the mail specified by the buyer.
- Has a widget that can be added to the main page of the store's admin panel
Order a call (can be paired with the "Customer Requests" module)
- Order a call he is a call order.
- Transferring all data about goods from an order to Google Analytics and Yandex Metrics
Floating menu for large and small screens. On large screens always on top, on small screens you can choose the position - top or bottom
Product stickers
- Promotions, novelties, top sellers, bonus points + 5 custom stickers
- For each type of sticker, you can set the background and text color and other data
Timer for promotional goods , with customization of the color of numbers and text
Product availability indication
- 3 types of display - bar, text and number in numerical form
- Color settings, tests, etc.
"Live" price calculation
- Works in modules, categories, product card, etc.
- The price is recalculated depending on the selected quantity, options, quantity discounts
Selecting the quantity of goods
- Selecting the quantity of goods in modules, categories, etc. (Can be paired with "Live" price calculation)
- Files are attached with regular opencart features
Product reviews
- Fields of advantages and disadvantages of the product
- Possibility of administration response to product reviews
- Product review rating. Showing a highly rated review first in the list
- Reviews in the product card are indexed
Module "Banners in categories"
- Show text or image banners in categories. For each banner, you can select one or more categories, start and end dates, etc.
Module "You watched"
Module "List of manufacturers"
Category Wall module
- Able to show categories of the second level of nesting as the main ones
Module for displaying recent or random reviews
Multistore support
- Supports multistore created by opencart capabilities
- A separate settings tab is created for each store in the template control panel
And also
- Changing the product photo to the image of the selected option
- Text banners, with the ability to show pop-up windows with text and pictures when clicking on the banner
- Showing options, characteristics, models in modules and categories
- Ability to ajax load products when navigating through product pages in a category
- "Show more" button in product categories
- Ability to disable the link to the current category in the main category menu
- Three types of product display in categories - a third type, compact, has been added.
- Replacing the text and color of the "buy" button for cases when the product is already in the cart or out of stock
- Breadcrumb markup, product cards, news pages, contact pages
- Congratulations, you have read up to this line and here is a gift for you - a coupon (3834-uni2-demo) for a 15% discount on the license for the template
- Two options for displaying tabs (tabs)
- Highlighting different product features on the product comparison page
- Showing multiple product images in modules, categories, etc.
- Automatic selection of the first option value in the product card
- And much more
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