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Ultimate Member Social Login Addon

Ultimate Member Social Login Addon v 2.5.3

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Social login circle

The social login extension allows users to easily register/login to your site using their social network accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, VK / VKontakte).

Key Features
  • Add social login buttons to registration and login forms.
  • Decide which social login buttons to use on your site (e.g you can activate Facebook and Twitter but keep Google+ and LinkedIn deactivated).
  • 2-step process for users registering via social network (this ensures all required data is collected before registration is complete).
  • Users can instantly login to your site without entering any details after they have registered on site.
  • Users can connect/disconnect from social networks via their account page.
  • Show social login buttons anywhere on site using shortcodes.
  • Easily edit the shortcodes to customize what is shown on your site.
  • Profile photos syncing (e.g if a user connects via Facebook their Facebook profile photo will show on your site).
Supported Social Networks
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google+
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • VKontakte
Important info
  • Due to social network policies and to avoid app reviews this extension only imports basic user information from the networks.
  • This extension will not allow you to post on a user’s network after they register/login.
  • Use of this extension requries you to setup an application on each of the social network’s websites.
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