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Trending PixelDesk - Support Ticket System With OpenAI

Trending PixelDesk - Support Ticket System With OpenAI v1.4

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Introducing PixelDesk, the next-generation AI-powered Support Ticket System designed for seamless and intuitive customer support management. With PixelDesk, customers can effortlessly create their accounts, submit support requests, and experience a sleek messaging interface.
This innovative solution is the pinnacle of customer support and management for Laravel applications. It efficiently tracks and resolves customer issues by categorising them based on type, priority, and category. PixelDesk ensures swift service delivery while maintaining a comprehensive log of all customer requests. Elevate your customer support game with PixelDesk’s Support Ticket System, offering a consistent and exceptional support experience for your clientele.

Key Features
AI-powered Replies & content management
Anonymous Chat via Email
Ticket Reply Management
Dynamic Webpage Management
Customizable Roles Management
Custom Fields Configuration
Agent System Integration
Live Chat with Agents
Multi-channel Live Notifications (Slack, Browser, Email, SMS, Pusher)
Customer Login with Captcha Security
Social Media Login (Gmail, Facebook)
File Uploads Management
Automation Functions for Streamlined Operations
Knowledgebase Articles
Notification and Email Templates
Customizable Pages
Map/IP-based Automated Ticket Assignment
Automated Ticket Assignment Functions (Best agent, Location-based, Group-based, Category-based)
Ticket Categorization System
Reporting Capabilities
Demo Access
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Admin Username: admin || Password: 123123
Username: agent || Password: 12345
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User Access:
Username: demo@pixeldesk.test || Password: 12345

Server Requirements

PHP >= 8.*
GD PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
BCMath PHP Extension
Fileinfo PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
JSON PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
Laravel Easy Installer
Installing the PixelDesk ticket management system is a breeze with our user-friendly, step-by-step Laravel wizard installer. No programming knowledge is necessary; simply follow the comprehensive documentation provided to effortlessly install the system.

Enhanced Security Measures
PixelDesk, our cutting-edge support ticket application, empowers you with robust security features. Safeguard your system by effortlessly managing access to your application through country whitelisting and blacklisting capabilities. Defend against potential threats such as DOS attacks and prevent CSRF attacks, ensuring a secure environment for your support ticket operations.
Clean UI
The redesigned admin dashboard UI for this support ticket exudes professionalism and a clean aesthetic. Offering three distinct dashboard designs, including two tailored for admin panel users and one specifically crafted for customers, this interface elevates the user experience to a new level of sophistication and functionality.
Important Information
Image Sources: Please be aware that all images used are solely for DEMO purposes. They are not integrated into the template and are NOT included in the final purchase files.
Support Terms
Kindly note that our support team responds to requests as long as the support purchase period remains active. Our support service is provided according to the product/item support policy. To continue receiving support services, it’s necessary to extend or renew support for the item.
For Support:
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Version 1.4
Tiket Reply optimize
Cron Job Issue Fixed
Article Optimize with frontend
Mail notification fixed for all reply
Chat option update
Code Optimize and Query Optimize
Add new Installation & update system with purchase key verify

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