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Tecnologia - IT Services & App Development (Addon Free)

Tecnologia - IT Services & App Development (Addon Free) v4.1

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Welcome to Tecnologia, a modern IT Services and App Development Theme. This lovely niche theme is built and suitable for any business operating in the IT and Software industry. The theme features carefully designed layouts ideal for every contemporary IT company, app landing page, IT services agency, tech startup, as well as for tech support, and every modern software company showcase. It is suitable for users with zero programming skills and advanced developers.

  • $345 worth of Premium Getty Images Stock included in the package for FREE
  • All images shown on the Demo Website come with the Demo Content and can be used for your next project without the need to buy additional licenses
  • Theme code only extends the Elementor and Elementor Pro widgets and adds cool styles and animations. This adds a layer of long-term stability and security.
  • Options to remove the Theme Code on a widget-by-widget basis
  • Extensive setup guide
  • Timely Support – 8 hours average response time
First release
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  1. Tecnologia - IT SAAS Software Technology WordPress Theme

    functions.php style.css vamtam/assets/css/dist/elementor/elementor-all.css...
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