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SysBasics Easy Checkout Field Editor, Fees & Discounts

SysBasics Easy Checkout Field Editor, Fees & Discounts v3.6.1

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Woocommerce easy checkout field editor


WooCommerce Easy Checkout Field Editor is a powerful tool designed to enhance the functionality and user experience of your WooCommerce checkout page. It empowers site administrators to customise checkout fields according to their business requirements. With this plugin, you can easily add new fields, edit existing ones, or remove unnecessary fields, ensuring your checkout process is as streamlined and efficient as possible. This editor makes the process straightforward and user-friendly, whether adding a text box for special instructions or a dropdown for additional choices. This flexibility is vital for tailoring the checkout experience to match specific customer needs and preferences, improving customer satisfaction and potentially higher conversion rates.


Version 3.5.7 (20 December 2023)

- Version 3.5.7 (20 December 2023) - Fix - Debug Error with previous release.
- Version 3.5.6 - Fix - Fatal error with previous release.
- Version 3.5.5 - Fix - Backend UI not showing user role select.
- Version 3.5.4 - Fix - Styling issues in backend.
- Version 3.5.3 - Fix - bug with previous release.
- Version 3.5.2 - Enhancement - Possibility to use allowtimes for each timepicker and datetimepicker field.

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