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Soledad - Best Multipurpose, Newspaper, Blog & WooCommerce WordPress Themes

Soledad - Best Multipurpose, Newspaper, Blog & WooCommerce WordPress Themes v8.5.3

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Download Free Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine/News AMP Theme ThemeForest
2000+ homepages demo for multiple purposes
Compatible with EU GDPR policy
Schema Markup & Google Structured Data Supports & validated
Optimized for site speed
800+ Sliders and Blog Combinations
AMP Support
Dark Layout
Compatible with BBPress & BuddyPress
Category Mega Menu
Fully Wordpress Live Customization with 400+ options
100% Responsive Design – Look great on all devices
Real Awesome Gallery with a lot of styles
Justified Gallery
Single Slider Gallery
Masonry Gallery with 2 columns
Masonry Gallery with 3 columns
Masonry Gallery with 4 columns
Grid Gallery with 2 columns
Grid Gallery with 3 columns
Grid Gallery with 4 columns
Infinite Click Button Load More Posts
Infinite Scroll Load More Posts
RTL Language Support
Topbar Menu
9 Header Styles
4 Body Styles
Full Width ( No Boxed )
Boxed With Any Colors
Boxed Width Background Image
Boxed Width Pattern Image
3 Sidebar Styles for all pages, posts
Right Sidebar
Left Sidebar
No Sidebar
Beautiful Featured Slider With 32 Styles
5 Beautiful Article Styles
Default Style
Left Sidebar
Full Width
Thumbnail Featured
Thumbnail Featured Left Sidebar
Woocommerce Compatible
Featured Video Background
Lightbox image in single posts
Upload custom fonts & 750+ Google fonts, Typekit fonts include
Flexible Images & Responsive Video
Various Post Formats
Standard Posts
Video Posts
Gallery Posts
Audio Posts
Quote Posts
Link Posts
Sticky Sidebar
Custom Sidebar For Post & Page
Unlimited Colors
11 Custom Widgets
Soledad About Me
Soledad List Banner
Soledad Pinterest Widget
Soledad Facebook Page Box
Soledad Recent Posts
Soledad Popular Posts
Soledad Social Media
Soledad Tweets Slider
Soledad Quote
Instagram Slider
Soledad Posts Slider
Search Engines Optimized
Translation Ready – Transition your site in some minutes
Wordpress 4.0+ compatible
Import Demo In One Click
Contact form 7 & MailChimp for WordPress support

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  1. Soledad - Best Multipurpose, Newspaper, Blog & WooCommerce WordPress Themes

    Decryption Key: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text...
  2. Soledad - Multipurpose, Newspaper, Blog & WooCommerce WP Theme 8.5.0

    Update Soledad Version 8.5.0 – May 06, 2024 Featured Added: Include a navigation edit button...
  3. Soledad - Best Multipurpose, Newspaper, Blog & WooCommerce WordPress Themes

    Update Soledad Version 8.4.8 – April 01, 2024 Featured Added: Options to manage all the links...
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