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SalesKing - Ultimate Sales Team, Agents & Reps Plugin for WooCommerce

SalesKing - Ultimate Sales Team, Agents & Reps Plugin for WooCommerce v1.6.35

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Download SalesKing - Ultimate Sales Team, Agents & Reps Plugin for WooCommerce CodeCanyon
SalesKing is the complete solution for managing a Sales Team, Sales Agents or Reps, compatible with any WooCommerce store.

SalesKing takes care of everything. It automatically sets up a powerful agent dashboard for each of your agents, where they can manage customers, orders, coupons, affiliate links, sharable carts, as well as send messages, add subagents, or check earnings and payouts. On the admin side, you can set up complex commission structures that determine agent earnings, promote agents across groups, send payouts, publish announcements and much more.


While many plugins require a long commitment with yearly payments, SalesKing’s lifetime license makes everything so much simpler. Pay once. Get lifetime access.


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is a simple to use, yet incredibly powerful plugin, with probably the richest feature set of any agents plugin. Furthermore, SalesKing is versatile and modular meaning that almost all features are optional and can be disabled. There’s a lot it can do, but here is a summary of the main functions:
  • Agent Dashboard with Login – Dedicated Area for Agents
  • Agents Shop & Place Orders For Customers
  • Agents Earn Commissions – Advanced Commission Structure
  • Fixed or Percentage Commissions, by Customer / Agent / Product with Conditions (e.g. commission for only the first 10 orders of a customer)
  • Announcements for Publishing Info, News, Posts for Agents
  • Messaging System for Queries & Communication
  • Powerful Admin Backend with Insight into Agents & Earnings
  • Agents can Negotiate, Offer Discounts & Edit Prices
  • Agents can Increase Prices & Get up to 100% Commission on the Difference
  • Agents can Create & Share Coupons
  • Affiliate Links for Registration, Shopping, Products
  • Customers Can Choose or Be Automatically Assigned an Agent at Registration
  • Earnings System with Dashboard, Charts, Reports
  • Payouts System with History, Bonuses, Payout Methods
  • Agents can Manage Orders assigned to them
  • Subagents (Teams) – Agents can Recruit Subagents and Earn Commissions
  • Agents can Create & Share Shopping Carts via Links
  • Pending Payments: Agents Order, Customers Receive Email with Payment Link
  • Email Notifications for Messages, Payouts, Pending Payments, etc.
  • Agent Groups, Commission by Group, Automatic Group Changes (e.g. promote agent from Group 1 to VIP when they reach $100,000 in sales)
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