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SalePro - Inventory Management System with POS, HRM, Accounting

SalePro - Inventory Management System with POS, HRM, Accounting V4.7.1

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Download SalePro - Inventory Management System with POS, HRM, Accounting CodeCanyon
SaleProPOS –
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with POS (Point of Sale)
is a laravel(php) based stock/inventory management system that allows you to manage your inventory, sales, purchases, customers, invoices, take payments and much more.

Update your stock information, make purchases and view sales information from anywhere anytime. Whether you are running a small business or a big enterprise, is the solution you need for managing your inventory, purchases, sales – all in one application.

Awesome Features

  • Overview & yearly Sales Chart
  • 5 Latest Sales
  • Top 5 best selling products monthly & yearly

  • Standard Product, Digital Product
  • Product Category
  • Add, edit, delete & view products
  • Print Barcodes
  • Import by CSV

  • Add, edit, delete & view sales
  • Payments (Multiple add, edit, delete)
  • Receive Payments online with Stripe, Paypal
  • Return Sales
  • Add, edit, delete & view delivery

  • Add, edit, delete & view quotation
  • Add sale from quotation
  • Download as pdf

  • Add, edit, delete & view purchases
  • Payments (Multiple add, edit, delete)
  • Import by CSV

  • Transfer products to warehouses
  • Add, edit, delete & view transfers with status
  • Import by CSV

  • User oriented design, touchscreen friendly
  • Suspend sales, print order & bill
  • Can show bill screen to customers
  • Accept multiple payments
  • Add sale, payment & staff notes

  • Add, edit, delete & view users, assign roles
  • Add, edit, delete & view customers, billers, suppliers
  • Import customers, billers, suppliers by CSV

  • Overview & warehouse stock charts
  • Product quantity & expiry alerts
  • Daily, monthly custom sales, payments, profit/loss purchase report
  • Customers, supplier, due, best-seller reports

  • Edit Logo, Site title
  • Change POS settings
  • Edit user profile, change password
  • Create roles for users
  • Add, edit, delete & view customer groups
  • Add, edit, delete & view warehouses
  • Add, edit, delete & view Tax rates
  • Add, edit, delete & view brands
  • Add, edit, delete & view units

  • Multilingual (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German. More will be added soon)
  • Table sorting (column wise)
  • Column visibility control
  • Export table contents to CSV, PDF or Print (chosen columns)
  • Mail notification system added for sales, quotations, returns & payments
Live Demo and Login details:
Demo Link:
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Username : admin
Password : admin

Username : staff
Password : staff

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Reactions: Titayo
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. SalePro - Inventory Management System with POS, HRM, Accounting

    Fixed: Add payment on purchase list - bug fixed.
  2. SalePro - Inventory Management System with POS, HRM, Accounting

    Fixed: Minor bugs fixed Update: eCommerce related updates added
  3. SalePro - Inventory Management System with POS, HRM, Accounting

    Version 4.5.0 09 February 24 added: average unit cost added in the adjustment added: language...
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