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Quix Pro

Quix Pro v4.5.5

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Quix pro

Most Powerful Joomla Website & Page Builder

Create stunning web pages in minutes without writing a single line of code or hiring professionals. Bring productivity and save time with highly intuitive next generation page builder for Joomla.

40+ Powerful Elements

300+ Ready Blocks

100+ Designed Layouts

Header & Footer Builder

Visual Site Builder

Quix takes Joomla to a whole new level with its incredibly advanced visual builder technology. Enjoy the utmost power within Quix to create spectacular designs and build websites visually without losing speed.

Header & Footer Builder

Design your website's headers and footers without needing any template framework or coding knowledge. Quix gives you all the necessary elements and settings to create a pitch-perfect header and footer, no matter what your design requirements are.

SEO & Performance

Build sites with Quix and get automated 90+ PageSpeed. Enjoy performance without compromise and become a star for both Google and your customers. Optimize your Joomla site to boost its conversion and rank higher than your competitors.

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