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PublishPress Planner Pro

PublishPress Planner Pro v4.0.3

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PublishPress Planner has all the tools you need to plan WordPress content including a Content Calendar, content notifications, editorial comments, and editorial metadata.

PublishPress Planner is ideal for WordPress sites that publish high-quality content. With PublishPress Planner, you can collaborate much more effectively. This makes PublishPress Planner a great solution for any site with multiple users. PublishPress Planner is often used by companies and non-profits, universities and schools, plus by magazines, newspapers and blogs.


[3.12.2] - 28 Sept 2023

* Update: Show only users who have written a comment in Editorial Comment User filtter, #1220
* Fixed: "Save as" button contains duplicated text in Safari, #1389
* Fixed: Migration from Edit-Flow not importing Editorial Metadata fields, #1459
* Update: Remove the Dashboard Widgets, #1449
* Update: Add a promo sidebar in the Free version, #1203
* Fixed: Critial Error on the plugin settings page when some features are disabled, #1469
* Update: Move the Notifications Log to a button, #1407
* Fixed: Post without post_date_gmt or post_modified_date_gmt not showing in google calendar export, #1461

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