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Pixer - React Laravel Multi-Vendor Digital Marketplace

Pixer - React Laravel Multi-Vendor Digital Marketplace v6.6.1

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Pixer – React Laravel Multivendor is a digital eCommerce Marketplace script implemented based on Laravel, React, Next JS, and Tailwind CSS. It is one of the fastest and most secure digital assets selling E-commerce app. It’s very easy to use, we have used axios and react-query for data fetching. You can set up your API endpoints very easily and your frontend team will love using it. It has REST API support. On the frontend, we have used React, NextJS [ TypeScript ] & Tailwind, and Laravel for the backend. Full source code is available. It’s very easy to install and deploy. It will help you to grow your business fast as it’s a very easy digital e-commerce solution. We have added good documentation, tutorials and we tried to make everything extendable and reusable so you can edit as your own need. It has full admin support too to maintain and manage your order. You will get full source code, Frontend, and Backend. It has Multivendor support. The script has both dark mode and light mode for the shop version that will blow away your user experience.

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  2. Pixer - React Laravel Multi-Vendor Digital Marketplace

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