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PixelYourSite Pinterest - WordPress Plugin (Addon Free)

PixelYourSite Pinterest - WordPress Plugin (Addon Free) v5.3.2

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PixelYourSite Pinterest

Product Description

Introducing PixelYourSite Pinterest 5.1.3, a powerful add-on for the PixelYourSite Professional plugin. With this innovative tool, you can effortlessly enhance your Pinterest marketing efforts and optimize your website for maximum exposure. This add-on seamlessly integrates with your current PixelYourSite setup, allowing you to track Pinterest conversions, tailor your ads to specific audiences, and ultimately boost your online business potential.


– Track Pinterest conversions: Effortlessly monitor the success of your Pinterest campaigns by tracking conversions, ensuring you are reaching your desired goals.
– Optimize ads for better results: Gain valuable insights into your Pinterest audience behavior and demographics, enabling you to create highly targeted ads for improved engagement and conversion rates.
– Implement Pinterest Tag efficiently: With just a few clicks, you can easily install the Pinterest Tag on your website, ensuring accurate data tracking and optimization possibilities.
– Event tracking made simple: Track important events such as purchases, sign-ups, and add to carts from Pinterest, allowing you to optimize your strategies and maximize the potential of this social media platform.
– WooCommerce compatibility: Seamlessly integrate your Pinterest campaigns with your WooCommerce store, allowing for comprehensive data analysis and advanced targeting options to drive sales.

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