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PixaURL - Run Your Own SaaS Platform for Building Bio URL , Mini Sites, Digital Cards

PixaURL - Run Your Own SaaS Platform for Building Bio URL , Mini Sites, Digital Cards 2.2

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02 PixaURL

PixaURL – Your Own SaaS Platform is a user-friendly portfolio editor tool built with the power of React JS technology. This tool is packed with over 20 pre-designed templates and many more. Its simplicity and ease of use will enhance your editing experience and make your work an absolute pleasure.

PixaURL allows you to create a custom, personalized page that stores all the prominent links you wish to share with your viewers.

PixaURL provides a single location to concentrate your follower’s attention on your every social media account. The creative templates available allow you to customize your profile, giving it a unique touch that represents your personality or brand. You can edit the content and add links to your website or social media handles. It helps you keep in touch with your followers/subscribers for longer.

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