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Pinfinity – WordPress Theme

Pinfinity – WordPress Theme v3.1.2

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Pinfinity is a WordPress theme that echoes the dynamic and engaging layout of Pinterest, making it an excellent choice for bloggers, creatives, and social media enthusiasts. This theme allows users to curate content in a visually appealing, grid-based format, perfect for sharing various media types like images, videos, and articles. Its responsive design ensures a seamless viewing experience across different devices, which is crucial for maintaining audience engagement in today’s mobile-centric world. Additionally, Pinfinity includes features like post-format support, enabling users to create diverse and vibrant content easily. It’s also SEO-optimised, which helps in boosting the site’s visibility on search engines. For those looking to create a lively, community-driven website, Pinfinity offers a fresh and interactive approach.


1.1.0 - January 18, 2024

* FIXED: Minor editor styling fixes for WC Blocks M inc/assets/css/admin/editor-styles.css M inc/assets/css/admin/editor-styles.min.css M inc/assets/css/admin/editor-styles.scss M inc/assets/css/woocommerce.css M inc/assets/css/woocommerce.min.css M inc/assets/css/woocommerce.scss M inc/customizer/options.php
* UPDATED: Onboarding v1.2.1 M inc/onboarding/onboarding.php
* FIXED: Future-proof support for One Click Demo Import, by replacing older 'pt-ocdi/*' hook names with the more recent 'ocdi/' ones. M inc/onboarding.php
* FIXED: Make sure the Upgrader's DB version doesn't get downgraded if the base version changes. This also prevents upgrade steps from re-running if the version number was downgraded and then re-upgrated. M inc/upgrade/class-ci-theme-data-upgrade.php
* REMOVED: Removed "Theme Installation Service" offering from the onboarding page. M inc/onboarding.php M inc/onboarding/onboarding.php
* FIXED: Data upgrade would sometimes enter a deadlock and never complete. M inc/upgrade/class-ci-theme-data-upgrade.php M inc/upgrade/class-ci-theme-wp-background-process.php
* Changed version to 1.1.0 * Updated language file.
* RequiresIgnition: 3.3.0 M inc/assets/js/admin/elementor.min.js M inc/assets/js/loveit.min.js M inc/assets/js/maxslider.min.js M languages/ci-theme.pot M style.css M style.min.css M style.scss

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