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NitroFIT28 | Fitness & Gym Management System

NitroFIT28 | Fitness & Gym Management System v3.2

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NitroFIT28 – Fitness & Gym Management System

NitroFIT28 is an easy-to-use gym and fitness management system. It helps you to keep track of the records of your members and their memberships, and allows easy communication between admin and your. Gym Management system also includes additional features that will help in the management and growth of the club and gym. Which is specially structured for various purposes such as for Gyms, Gymnasium, Health & Fitness, Health Club, Health Spa, Fitness Center, Sports Club, Exercise Room, Aerobics Studio, Sports Hall, Health Resort, Athletic Club, Training, Aerobatics, Fitness Workout, Bodybuilding, Physical Training. Moreover, it can be used for Fitness & Yoga, Mental Well Being, Health Care, Nutrition, Fitness Classes, Mind & Body Fitness, and Yoga Classes.

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Email: hello@coderstm.com
Password: Gis0ra$$;

Check Member Demo –
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Email: hello@coderstm.com
Password: Gis0ra$$;

Check Android App –
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NitroFIT28 Features

  • Manage Member and Enquiry
  • Manage Subscriptions with Stripe and Offline Payment Method
  • Build in Coupon and Discount
  • Manage Attendance by QR Code Scanner
  • Multi Language Supported
  • Manage Invoice and Payment Methods
  • Massage System Between Member and Staff
  • Powerfull Shop Module with POS
  • Products with Stock Inventory Management (Multi Location)
  • Manage User and Permission
  • PDF and CSV Export
  • Daily/Monthly/Yearly Report
  • Android and iPhone App
  • Sell Simple or Variable Products
  • Beautiful theme is ready to use.
  • Easy to Setup
  • Responsive layout design
  • Unique effects and functionality
  • Free Update
  • Clean Code
  • Free Lifetime Updates
  • Classes Timetable
  • Flaticons Icons
  • Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
  • Well Documented & More….

Refund Policy

  • If the item is downloaded mistakenly then we don’t offer a refund.
  • Before purchasing any item, we recommend you read the description & compatibility content thoroughly because we don’t offer a refund once you purchase mistakenly

Customer Support

If you find any trouble then you can email us to hello@coderstm.com. We have a great team that can assist you. We’d love to help you.

Important Note

All the images are included in this template used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and are NOT included in the final purchase files.


Font & Icon​

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