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MasterStudy LMS Learning Management System PRO By StylemixThemes

MasterStudy LMS Learning Management System PRO By StylemixThemes v4.4.21

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Download MasterStudy LMS Learning Management System PRO Nulled Free
Control lesson pattern
Make your courses and lessons distinctive by a step-by-step walkthrough of each course with Drip Content and Prerequisites tools.

Student administration
You can evaluate student enrollment. Manually add or remove students at any time within the course period.

Monitor students' progress
Using the gradebook and quiz review, you may track and analyze your students’ overall development.

Course Revision
Configure your accessible courses on your profile and publish them as a live course or draft.

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  1. MasterStudy LMS Learning Management System PRO By StylemixThemes

    v4.4.21 - 2024-07-09 - **Fix:** Non-English characters in drip content are not displayed correctly.
  2. MasterStudy LMS Learning Management System PRO By StylemixThemes

    ## 4.4.20 - 2024-07-02 - **Enhancements:** Added a field for selecting the required bundles in...
  3. MasterStudy LMS Learning Management System PRO By StylemixThemes

    v4.4.19 - 2024-06-25 - **New:** Added the ability to include a video preview for courses to give...
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