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Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress By EverPress

Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress By EverPress v4.0.11

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Mailster the ultimate newsletter plugin

Download Free Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress MYMAIL CodeCanyon
is an easy to use Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress. Create, send and track your Newsletter Campaigns without hassle.
  • Track Opens, Clicks, Unsubscriptions and Bounces
  • Track Countries and Cities
  • Schedule your Campaigns
  • Six types of auto responders
  • Send your latest post to your subscribers
  • Use dynamic and custom Tags (placeholders)
  • Webversion for each Newsletter
  • Embed Newsletter with Shortcodes
  • Forward via Email
  • Share with Social Media Services
  • Unlimited Subscription Forms
  • Sidebar Widgets
  • Single or Double-Opt-in support
  • WYSIWYG Editor with code view
  • Unlimited Color Variations
  • Optional Image embedding
  • Automatic Inline Styles
  • Background Image support
  • Quick Preview
  • Revisions support (native)
  • Multi language ready
  • SMTP support
  • DomainKeys Identified Mail Support
  • Import and Export for Subscribers
  • Retina Ready

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  • mailster-the-ultimate-newsletter-plugin.png
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  1. Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress By EverPress

    v4.0.11 (2024-07-17) - fixed: PHP error "attempt to assign a property to an array" - fixed...
  2. Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress By EverPress

    security: fixed possible Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability reported by Patchstack...
  3. Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress By EverPress

    Download Mailster v4.0.6 - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress Nulled Free v4.0.6 (2024.03-05)...
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