CONSIDERING PURCHASING OUR ITEM? Please view our support section for important notes and questions.
LaraBuilder features
- Built using Laravel 8.0
- Use it as SaaS
- Easy to use drag & drop builder
- +400 professionally designed blocks allowing you to start building sites and pages instantly
- Extend LaraBuilder Lite by easily adding your own custom blocks
- Edit images, links, styles and content
- Export your sites including all assets like Javascript files, CSS files and images.
- Publish your sites/page directly to a live server using FTP, allowing you to use LaraBuilder as a light CMS
- Create user accounts for your users to access LaraBuilder
- Easy to use settings page to configure the application
- Installer script for easy automatic installation
- Everything combined in a beautifully designed interface!
- Clear and concise documentation
Important notes
- We cannot provide general webhosting and/or general PHP support.
- We cannot help with issues from your own customization.
- We cannot provide customizations that extended default app features for free.
- We do not offer install or setup services for free.
- We cannot provide fixes that are unique to your web hosting or server environment.
- We try for fast response times but as described on our support tab, response time may be longer, depending on our current support queue. Too many issue/feature questions that do not fall under support will slow down all response times. Please investigate for yourself thoroughly before contacting us.
- We don’t offer free support, if your support is expired, before asking questions consider renewing it.
- You can’t get a refund once the item has been downloaded in any circumstances.
- Read all the product information before you decide to buy it.
- We speak english only to our customers, so we expect you speak it decently enough so we can understand each other.
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