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KIDZ - Kids Store and Baby Shop Theme

KIDZ - Kids Store and Baby Shop Theme 5.17

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KIDZ – is a modern, minimalist and amazing fast WooCommerce WordPress Theme. Perfect for SEO and visitors. You can use KIDZ for Baby Shop, Kids Store, Toys Store, Kids Clothes Shop or any other e-commerce websites. Customize our Baby Shop WordPress Theme easily and have fun! If you have any questions about our WordPress Kids Store Theme, feel free to contact our friendly support team.

KIDZ Theme Features​

  • Modern minimalist design for Kids Stores
  • Strong focus on typography, usability and overall user-experience
  • Unique 50 Vector Icons Collections
  • Built-in FrontPage builder
  • One click demo import
  • Theme customizing Control Panel for easy theme configuration
  • Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
  • SEO ready
  • Multi column Mega menu
  • Color filter
  • Product QuickView
  • Product Wishlist
  • Product Video
  • Ajax Live Search
  • Cross-Browser Compatible
  • Plugins Compatibility:
    • Woocommerce 5.x
    • Variation Swatches for WooCommerce
    • MailChimp Subscribe
    • Contact Form 7
    • Revolution Slider – Save $26
    • WPML, TranslatePress and Polylang
    • WebP Express
  • 2 types of header layout
  • 6 demo
  • Sticky header feature
  • Translation-Ready
  • RTL Language support
  • 24/7 Professional Support
  • Child Theme Included
  • Regular Updates
  • 850+ Google Fonts Supported
  • Well documented
Note: All JPEG and PNG images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. Images used in previews are not included in the final purchase files.

View attachment 124
  • KIDZ.jpg
    32.1 KB · Views: 8
First release
Last update
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