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JomSocial PRO - social network component for Joomla

JomSocial PRO - social network component for Joomla 4.9.1

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JomSocial PRO

The next update of the JomSocial PRO component for Joomla is a powerful network communication tool that has all the functions of a modern social network and will allow both a professional and a site owner with basic knowledge to turn their resource into a convenient, understandable and interesting place for interactive communication, attracting new ones and keeping existing users. Create your own social network with unique logo, graphics and themes. The community view is easily customizable by editing built-in templates. This way your community will be up and running in no time. Many plugins, dozens of modules, full localization with Russian language and all the conveniences for setting up your own powerful network communication tool.
The component has unlimited possibilities for users of your social network. Users can exchange messages, add photos and videos, search for friends, get the latest information, share statuses and opinions, create events and thematic groups. User profiles have a very convenient structure, which makes it easy to find friends or add a fresh and relevant entry to your page.
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