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JobSearch - WP Job Board WordPress Plugin

JobSearch - WP Job Board WordPress Plugin v2.5.1

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Download JobSearch - WP Job Board WordPress Plugin Nulled Free CodeCanyon
WP Job Search brings you the most simple solution to display jobs on any type of websites. You may already know, some really big Job Portals provides the option to use their database and extend your website with job offers. This plugin can make everything automatically, some job providers also pay commission when any of your visitors click on the job links.
  • Highly Customizable
  • Extensive Admin Interface
  • Demo Import
  • No coding knowledge required
  • Page Templates
  • Responsive & Retina Ready
  • Large collection of useful inner pages
  • Choose your grid size
  • Boxed layout option
  • Powerful typography options
  • Translation ready
  • WooCommerce compatible
  • WPML Plugin compatible
  • Powerful sorting options for job listings and resumes
  • Multiple ways of showcasing job listings and resumes
  • Listing List shortcode
  • Listing Search shortcode
  • Listing Advanced Search shortcode
  • Listing Simple Search shortcode
  • Resume List shortcode
  • Resume Advanced Search shortcode
  • User login
  • User Dashboard page template
  • Enable users logging in via Facebook and Google accounts
  • Pricing Tables shortcode
  • Comparison Pricing Tables shortcode
  • Smooth Page Transitions
  • Fontawsome & Flaticon
  • User Login Form

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  1. JobSearch - WP Job Board WordPress Plugin

    22nd June 2024 v2.5.1 Fixed: post id error fixed in resume export. Fixed: miner styling issues...
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