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GoBiz - Digital Business Card + WhatsApp Store Maker | SaaS | vCard Builder

GoBiz - Digital Business Card + WhatsApp Store Maker | SaaS | vCard Builder v8.0.0N

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GoBiz – Digital Business Card + WhatsApp Store Maker | SaaS Product | Laravel | VCard Maker | SAAS Script

#1 Fastest top-selling multi-user digital business card + WhatsApp store maker, designed to generate passive income. This SAAS-ready vCard and WhatsApp store maker allows for easy installation, plan creation, and revenue generation. GoBiz boasts a fully responsive modern UI VCard Maker suitable for creating diverse business and personal portfolios, making it the perfect choice to kickstart your SAAS business immediately.

GoBiz is a digital business card/vCard maker and WhatsApp store script developed with Laravel PHP. In alignment with the latest trends and technologies, it promotes the shift towards digitalization and the reduction of paper usage. This script introduces a novel concept, providing digital business cards/vCards that are easily updatable at any time and from anywhere, simple to share, compatible with all modern browsers, QR-enabled, and more.

Given the current COVID situation, businesses are increasingly embracing digitalization. GoBiz encourages the adoption of modern technology, urging users to start using digital vCards.

GoBiz empowers you to create plans and facilitates subscription acquisition from your users.

Main Features:

  • 90+ vCard Templates: Choose from a variety of professionally designed vCard templates to suit different professions and personal styles.
  • 16 WhatsApp Store Templates: Tailor your WhatsApp store with two distinct templates for effective and visually appealing business interactions.
  • 1500+ Icons: Access a rich collection of over 1500 icons to enhance the visual appeal of your vCard.
  • Light & Dark Themes: Enjoy the flexibility of both light and dark themes to match your preferred aesthetic.
  • Monthly, Yearly, and Custom Subscription Packages: Offer users flexibility with subscription plans, including monthly, yearly, and customizable packages.
  • WhatsApp Store: Integrate a WhatsApp store to streamline business transactions and communication.
  • Multiple Payment Gateways Support: Facilitate transactions with support for multiple payment gateways, ensuring a seamless payment experience.
  • Built-in Laravel: Developed with the Laravel framework for robust functionality and efficient performance.
  • Multi-language with RTL Support (20+ Languages): Cater to a global audience with multilingual support, including Right-to-Left (RTL) language compatibility.
  • Powerful Admin Panel: Control and manage your site effortlessly through a feature-rich admin panel.
  • SEO Optimized: Enhance visibility and reach with SEO optimization to attract a broader audience.
  • Change Currency: Easily adapt to user preferences by allowing changes to currency settings.
  • Invoice & Tax: Efficiently handle invoices and tax settings within the system for comprehensive financial management.
  • Transaction History: Keep track of transaction history for accurate financial monitoring and analysis.
  • Fully Customizable Plans: Tailor subscription plans to meet the specific needs of your business.
  • Share vCard: Enable users to effortlessly share their vCards for enhanced networking opportunities.
  • 8 Colors for Website: Choose from a selection of 8 website color schemes for a visually appealing interface.
  • 8 Colors for vCard: Customize vCards with a variety of 8 colors to match personal branding.
  • Easy to Edit HTML (Blade) Template Files: Enjoy simplicity in customization with editable HTML (Blade) template files.
  • Fully Responsive: Ensure a seamless user experience with full responsiveness across devices.
  • And more: Explore additional features for a comprehensive and versatile platform.

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  1. GoBiz - Digital Business Card + WhatsApp Store Maker | SaaS | vCard Builder

    Step 1: Upload Script given in resource Step 2...
  2. GoBiz - Digital Business Card + WhatsApp Store Maker | SaaS | vCard Builder

    [H3 id='Version+8.0.3VIA+SCRIPT+UPDATERSTABLELATEST']Version 8.0.3VIA SCRIPT...
  3. GoBiz - Digital Business Card + WhatsApp Store Maker | SaaS | vCard Builder

    [H3 id='Version+8.0.0+STABLE+LATEST+11-04-2024']Version 8.0.0 STABLE LATEST (11-04-2024)[/H3] -...
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