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Global - Single School Management System Pro

Global - Single School Management System Pro v6.2

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1578543688 global

college management system, education software, Educational Institute, examination system,
Global – Single School Management System Pro is the latest and most complete School Automation Software which is suites for each and every educational institute like school, college and universities. A School can manage every thing Using this Automation School Software. Global Online school management system (GSSMS) is a fully ACL Based, Organized Features, Unlimited Language, Exclusive Reports and Secure web based School Management System with well documented & clean coded

Version 5.5.0 – 18 November, 201
  1. SMTP Email Setting & Configuration (New Module).
  2. Study Material (New Module).
  3. E-Book Under Library (New Feature).
  4. Online Admission Under Student (New Feature).
  5. Complain (New Module).
  6. Generate Teacher, Employee and Student ID Card (New Module).
  7. Generate Student Admit Card (New Module).
  8. Leave Management (New Module).
  9. Beta SMS Gateway (New Module).
  10. PayStack Payment Gateway (New Module).
  11. Front Office (New Module).
  12. Student Type and Caste under Student add/edit (New Feature).
  13. User login Credential under Administrator Menu (New Feature).
  14. Added 4 Color Theme under Theme (New Feature).
  15. Default image set for frontend Event, News, About Us (New Feature)
  16. Academic Year Rearrange under Administrator Menu fix.
  17. Some other minor issue fix.

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