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Front - Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme

Front - Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme v1.1.24

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Download Front - Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme Nulled Free ThemeForest
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is an incredibly beautiful, fully responsive and cleanly coded WordPress theme. It is the perfect starting point for your creative business. It is built on mobile-first approach rendering extraordinary looking website both in mobile as well as in desktop devices.

Built for Speed
Fastest WordPress Theme. Loads under 0.7 seconds
. Front is one of the fastest WordPress Themes out there because we’ve used Gutenberg instead of page builders. With additional optimisation plugins like WP Rocket, you can get a load time under 700ms

Theme Features
  • 100% Responsive
  • Built using Bootstrap 4, Underscores, Gulp and SASS
  • Built for Gutenberg
  • Premium Images Included
  • 30+ Hero Layouts
  • 90+ Header/Navbar Layouts
  • 10+ Footer Layouts
  • 26 Home Pages and Demos
  • 150+ Gutenberg Blocks
  • Well Documented
  • and many more…
Keep Scrolling, there’s more to see…
  • Bootstrap Flexbox Grid
  • Premium Plugins & Libraries
  • Mega Menu
  • Unfold (DropDown/Sidebar and others)
  • Youtube, Vimeo & HTML5 Background Videos
  • FontAwesome
  • Pricing Tables
  • Smooth Parallax Scrolling
  • Image & Content Sliders
  • Modal Windows
  • Countdown
  • Sticky Blocks
  • Animated Typing Words
  • Huge Collection of Form Options
  • Gradient Colors
  • Fill Colors
  • Stroke Colors
  • Stop-Colors
  • On Scroll Animations
  • Masonry Grid Layouts
  • 26 Unique Home Pages
  • Exit Intent Detection
  • Animation Libraries
  • Malihu Scrollbar

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