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Freesoul Deactivate Plugins – Plugin manager and cleanup

Nulled Freesoul Deactivate Plugins – Plugin manager and cleanup v1.1.0.8

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FDP allows you to deactivate plugins on specific pages for
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It works for every page, blog posts, custom posts that are publicly queryable, archives and backend pages.

Deactivate plugins on specific pages to improve the performance

With FDP you can disable the entire plugins where you don’t need them. It will not only clean up the assets of third-party plugins, their PHP code will not run either. Hence, your pages will have fewer HTTP requests and fewer database queries.

You will improve the TTFB (time to first byte) also when the page is not served by cache.

Usually, the number of the needed plugin on a specific page is lower than the number of globally active plugins.

Why don’t you keep the plugins active only on the pages where you need them?

Most of the plugins load their assets and query the database on all the pages, no matter if they do something useful. This causes many times a worsening of the performance.

With FDP no matter how many plugins you have, you can keep them active only where you need them.

Deactivate plugins on specific pages to solve conflicts between plugins

With FDP you can preview the page loading specific plugins. This is very useful to detect which plugin is causing issues.

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for more details.

If on a specific page you keep active only the plugins that you really need, most of the time the probability of having conflicts between plugins is lower.

Features of the free version. With the free version of FDP you can:

Deactivate plugins on
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Deactivate the JavaScript execution for problem solving (preview on front-end)
Deactivate plugins by custom URL both for
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and backend
Have an automatic suggestion about the unused plugins for the homepage and the backend
Change plugins firing order
Create a functional plugin in no time
Import/Export list of favourite plugins
See a preview of the pages deactivating specific plugins and switching to another theme without affecting the public site
See a preview of the page with Google Page Speed Insights for single posts, pages and custom posts (preview without cache, the page may give lower score without cache, use it for comparisons during the optimization)

and much more.

Features of the PRO version. The premium version also includes:

Unused plugins automatic suggestion both for frontend and backend
Unused plugins automatic check after content update
Recording of Ajax activities to find out on which Ajax action you need to disable specific plugins
Recording of Post activities to find out on which Post action you need to disable specific plugins
Rest APIs cleanup
Translated URLs cleanup
Cron Jobs cleanup
General bloat deaactivation
Options autoload management
Stylesheests and scripts deactivation of remaining active plugins, theme and core
Import/Export FDP settings
Bulk actions to activate/deactivate plugins in the FDP settings
Plugins deactivation by logged and unlogged user
Automatic GTMetrix and Google PSI reports generation

Clean up on mobile

FDP allows you to disable specific plugins for mobile devices. But if you disable a plugin on mobile, that plugin will be disabled on all the pages on mobile.
If you want to selectively disable plugins on mobile pages, you can install
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that is fully integrated with FDP.
If you create mobile versions with SCFM, you will find the mobile pages in the FDP Singles settings. There you can disable plugins as you do with normal desktop pages.
FDP and SCFM together are powerful tools to selectively clean up mobile pages.
If you clean up the mobile, remember to set up your
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to separate the desktop and mobile cache, in another case you may have issues.
For instance
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, and
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are caching plugins that can serve a different cache on mobile.


Only the permalink structures “Day and name”, “Month and name”, “Post name” and the custom ones ending with “%postname%” are supported for permanently deactivating plugins (they are also better for SEO).

You will not be able to disable plugins in a permanent way with other permalink structures.

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