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Foxiz - Newspaper News and Magazine For WordPress

Foxiz - Newspaper News and Magazine For WordPress v2.4.2

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Download Foxiz - WordPress Newspaper News and Magazine + Themeforest 34617430
Foxiz is a WordPress theme perfect for News, Magazine, Blog and for all kinds of publishing websites. It has all the tools for every publishing need.

We have a lot of positive feedbacks from our buyers on Themeforest market. We are committed to providing the best support and solve almost issues within 24 hours.

Foxiz is SEO friendly with schema structure. Supports organization, site links search box, breadcrumbs bar, open graph, compatible with Yoast SEO, All in One Seo… That will make search engines love your website.

Foxiz is also optimized for the database and fast load, lightweight and optimized for core web vitals.

Foxiz is very flexible with more than 1000+ options, allowing you the ability to create anything without any coding.

The theme is compatible and optimized to work with Elementor, Contact Form 7, Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, Yoast SEO, All in One Seo, WP-Optimize, Autoptimize and many other popular WordPress plugins.
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  1. Foxiz - Newspaper News and Magazine For WordPress

    Added container width setting for predefined single post layout Added frontend register form...
  2. Foxiz - Newspaper News and Magazine For WordPress

    v2.4.1 – 24 Jun 2024 Fixed compatibility issues with older PHP versions (prior to 7.4.x) in...
  3. Foxiz - Newspaper News and Magazine For WordPress

    ------ Version: 2.3.5 -------- - Fixed Tree Shaking CSS conflict causing icons not to appear...
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