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Flutter AmazCart - Ecommerce Flutter Source code for Android and iOS

Flutter AmazCart - Ecommerce Flutter Source code for Android and iOS v3.0

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AmazCart Flutter is for customers only for Android and iOS which is quickly starting your online E-Commerce business with mobile customer support. This software was developed for people who want to create an online store that can sell everything! Single eCommerce store. Flutter app includes source code, which is required to generate an APK for Android and an App for iSO.

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  • AmazCart pre-installed in your web server
  • Download AmazCart here –
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

App Features​

  • Featured Sliders
  • Top Categories
  • New User Zone
  • Top Brands
  • Flash Deals
  • Top Picks Products
  • Discounted Products
  • Product Recommendations
  • Notifications
  • Variant Products
  • Cart
  • Checkout
  • Order list
  • Cancellations list
  • Refunds and Disputes products
  • Review Products
  • Support system
  • Wallet system
  • Address Book
  • Language support
  • Currency support

Payment Gateways​

  • Cash on Delivery
  • Wallet Payment
  • Paypal
  • Stripe
  • PayStack
  • Razorpay (India)
  • Bank Payment
  • Instamojo
  • PayTM (India)
  • Midtrans
  • JazzCash
  • Flutterwave


  • Token based Authentication

How AmazCart Flutter Work for Android and iOS:

  • Download and unzip the Package
  • lms_flutter_app – Dont change this folder name, open the project Android Studio
  • Change URL of your website URL
  • Generate APK
  • Submit Google Play Store
  • Privacy Policy must be submitted as per Play Store Requirement

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