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FireBox Pro - WordPress Popup Builder

Nulled FireBox Pro - WordPress Popup Builder v2.1.17 Nulled

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Firebox product page image

FireBox Pro - A
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Popup Builder that boosts conversion rate

Turn your visitors into subscribers and customers with eye-catching popups, modals, floating bars, fullscreen overlays, and slide-ins.

Collect email addresses
Turn low-engagement visitors into quality newsletters subscribers.

Increase sales & revenue
Sell more to your website visitors and make the most of your traffic.

Fight cart abandonment
Detect if someone is about to leave your site or page.

Increase user engangement
Convert visitors into active participants for higher conversion rates.

Make announcements
Grab attention and drive conversions with impactful popups.

Grow your social media followers
Skyrocket conversions by expanding your social media reach/followers.

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  1. FireBox Pro - WordPress Popup Builder

    = 2.1.17 - 11/07/2024 = * WordPress 6.6 Compatibility. * Updated the Geolocation notice to show...
  2. FireBox Pro - WordPress Popup Builder

    = 2.1.15 - 20/06/2024 = * Added: Pro version now supports sending unlimited email notifications...
  3. FireBox Pro - WordPress Popup Builder

    = 2.1.13 - 23/05/2024 = * Added: Font Weight option for Form Field Labels. * Added: Padding...
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