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Exicube Taxi App v4.3.0

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Exicube Taxi App - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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Download Exicube Taxi App Nulled Free CodeCanyon


  • Please always use different smartphones for rider and driver for best test scenario.
  • Editing and Deleting of Admin Pages like Cart Types, Prices, Promos, etc are disabled in Admin Portal for Demo purposes.
  • Features like Email Verification, Driver Approval and Ride OTP are disabled for Demo purposes.
  • Whatever disabled here in Demo will be enabled in your downloaded source code.

Test Accounts​

  • Demo Admin Account
    User:- contact@exicube.com
    Password:- Admin@123
  • Stripe testcard details-
    card no – 4242 4242 4242 4242 / cvv – Any 3 digits / exp date - Any future date
  • Braintree testcard details-
    card no – 41111 1111 1111 1111 / cvv – Any 3 digits / exp date – Any future date
  • Paypal username and password –
    john@exicubetaxi.com / John@123
  • Paytm test credentials –
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
  • Paystack testcard details-
    card no – 4084 0840 8408 4081 / cvv – 408 / exp date - Any future date
  • Liqpay testcard details-
    card no – 4242 4242 4242 4242 / cvv – Any 3 digits / exp date - Any future date
  • Flutterwave test cards –
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
  • SecurePay test cards –
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
  • Payu Latam and Culqi test card –
    card no – 4111 1111 1111 1111 / cvv – Any 3 digits / exp date - Any future date

Technology Used​

  • Mobile Apps (IOS & Android) – React Native and Expo
  • Admin Portal & Website – React and Redux
  • Database – Firebase Realtime Database
  • Server Side APIs – Firebase Cloud Functions
  • Maps & Location APIs – Google
  • Push Notifications – Expo
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Exicube Taxi App

    v4.3.0 (22 June 2024) - Promo in Cash - SlickPay Payments Added - FleetAdmin Earning Report -...
  2. Exicube Taxi App

    v4.1.0 (27 March 2024) - Expo SDK 50 - Payment Gateway Settings in Admin - Booking for Other...
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