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EventRight Pro - Ticket Sales and Event Booking & Management System with Website & Web Panels (SaaS)

EventRight Pro - Ticket Sales and Event Booking & Management System with Website & Web Panels (SaaS) V1.20.0

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About EventRight Pro
Event booking management apps are designed to make it easy for organizations and individuals to plan and host events. These apps typically offer a range of features to help users manage their events, including the ability to create and manage tickets and manage event schedules, payments, and offers. With all of the event details and guest information in one place, it’s easier to stay organized and keep track of everything. This can help ensure that your event runs smoothly and that your guests have a great time.

Tailwind CSS
The User front website is built with Tailwind CSS Module & Components. You can customize tailwind class & generate minimal css using npm command.

Easy Event Listing​

Create and manage event listings: This Allows organizers to create listings for their events, including information such as the event name, date, time, location, and description.


Payment Processing​

Ticket sales and payment processing: Event ticket booking apps include the ability to sell tickets and process payments through integration with third-party payment processors.


Ticket Management​

Include features to help users manage their tickets, such as the ability to view and download tickets.

Ticket Types

It has a total of Four Ticket Types. Free, Paid, One Day Ticket & All Day Ticket.

Event Types
Organizers can add two types of events. Online Event & Venue Event aka Offline Event

Event Scheduling

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  1. EventRight Pro - Ticket Sales and Event Booking & Management System with Website & Web Panels (SaaS)

    v1.20.0 Update 08-APR-2024 – [NEW] Added Mobile Apps Banner Section on Website home page (link...
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