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eMarket - All-in-One Multi Vendor MarketPlace Elementor WordPress Theme (53 Indexes, Mobile Layouts)

eMarket - All-in-One Multi Vendor MarketPlace Elementor WordPress Theme (53 Indexes, Mobile Layouts) v7.9.0

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eMarket theme v7.0.0 ++ nulled by me and works perfect!

eMarket – Best Multi-Vendor MarketPlace Elementor WordPress Theme 2022 (52+ Homepages & 03+ Mobile Layouts Ready!)

eMarket is the
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chosen as featured item by Envato Team. Also, as a Power Elite Author with over 12+ years of experience in Web Design, we develop this theme as a key item with beautiful, unique and professional design for all ecommerce website.

This theme is suitable for the multi vendor marketplace, or any multi-category store, fashion shop, kid fashion shop, furniture store, hitech/ digital/ electronics store, cosmetics store, gift shop, Christmas shop, hot deals, book shop, medical store, dental care, gaming news, flower shop, wedding store, fishing shop, bike shop, gardening store, organic foods, grocery store, agriculture products, printing store, craft/ handmade shop, watch store, accessories, jewelry shop, furniture store and more.

With 52+ beautiful homepage designs, 03+ mobile layouts ready, multi vendor marketplace support and full ecommerce features, eMarket will surely a suitable theme for any multi-vendor marketplace or any shopping store.

Featured item on Themeforest: eMarket is qualified by the Envato Team as one of the best WooCommerce WordPress themes 2020 on the marketplace.

Designed by Super Power Elite Author: eMarket is created by
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– Magentech WordPress Team who has sold 30000+ sales and $2M on Envato marketplace.

Modern Design: Multi-homepages, highly responsive,
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, unlimited colors, megamenu built-in, beautiful slider, countdown slider, featured product blocks, product listing tab

Extraordinary Features: WooCommerce Ready, powerful AJAX live search, product quickview lightbox, product image zoom/gallery, featured video thumbnail for product, color swatch and image, AJAX cart/compare/wishlist

Multi-Vendor Support: Fully compatible with multi-vendor plugins like
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Easy Customization: WooCommerce, Elementor compatible, WPBakery Page Builder ready, megamenu ready, powerful theme options with a bundle of options for Logo, Color, Mobile Layouts, Blog, Shop, Typography, Pop-up and more …

One Click Installation: Import the demo of design you want to have your site just like demo with few steps.

No More Coding: Easily build a BIG website with NO coding. All are ready!
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  1. eMarket - All-in-One Multi Vendor MarketPlace Elementor WordPress Theme (53 Indexes, Mobile Layouts)

    [+] [NEW] Update Homepage #59 - Spa & Beauty [+] Update WooCommerce 8.5.1 [+] Update style...
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