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Eleckon - Electronic Store Shopify 2.0 Theme

Eleckon - Electronic Store Shopify 2.0 Theme 2024-01-28

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This clean, elegant Shopify Theme was especially designed for creating business professional online shops. It is super for phone accessories, electronics store, devices shop, game shop or any other categories with 6 homepages variation, 6 header styles and unlimited megamenu styles.

More than just an online retailer, Eleckon isn’t only best designed to display your products with beautiful image slider in header region. It is retina ready, fully responsive and mobile-ready to ensure that your website will look stunning and work smoothly across all modern devices to give your users an amazing viewing experience.

Eleckon is the right choice if you want to create professional and truly unique eCommerce website with ease.

Theme Features

Powerful Customize
Automatic Price Change
Quickview Product Colors
Smart Product Quickview
Advanced Layered Navigation
Unlimited Google Fonts
Site Identity
Header & Footer Style Options
Amazing Slider built-in
Unlimited colours
SEO Optimized
“New”, “Hot”, “Sale”... labels
Multi Currency
Amazing Layout Variations
Responsive & Retina Ready
Drop-down shopping cart in header
Sticky Header Multi Styles
Ajax Add to Cart & Wishlist
Ajax Paging & Ajax Toolbar built-in
Ajax Grid & List view collection
Previous & Next functionality for the product view page
Slider for Up-sell Products and Related Products blocks
Product zoom built-in
Best Seller Product
Back to top button
Background patterns and color chooser
Grid / List view
“Additional Information” tab for individual product attributes
Brand Logo Slider
Blog Post Slider built-in
FontAwesome icons
One-click import
Cross Browser Support
Customer Reviews
Product Carousel
HTML5 & CSS3 & Sass CSS
Social networking
Support Online 24/7
Well Documented
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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