Admin panel (Backend) Demo
Admin Panel Live PreviewUsername :
Password : 123
email :
password : 123456
email :
password : 123456
You can find best doctors around you, check his profile, check his availability and time and book and appointment to your suitable time slots. The best part about this template is doctor have doctor app to check all these appointments from users and doctor can manage appointments from app
Application features :
- 1. Search Nearby Doctors
- 2. Check upcoming appointment on first page
- 3. Search bar to search Doctor
- 4. Specialist wise sorting of doctors
- 5. Check complete doctor profile
- Doctor name
- Specialist of doctor
- Ratings of doctor
- Phone number with call now button
- About doctor description
- Address of clinic and hospital
- General working time of doctor
- Services list of doctor
- Health care description
- Map redirection to find address on map
- 6. Time-slot wise book appointment – Choose convent time-slot for your appointment, time-slot will be booked for users, and other user can not book again same time-slot.
- 7. Book appointment description to explain problem to doctor
- 8. Appointment details for user side will include
- Doctor Name to whom appointment booked
- Time-slot and date of booking
- phone number of doctor
- Email id of doctor
- Appointment description
- Quick Call and Quick Mail option
- 9. User (My Account) features
- Check all upcoming appointments
- Check appointment history
- Get all details of appointment
- User Login, register
- User can add review for doctor
- 10. Doctor dashboard features
- Register as doctor
- Login as doctor
- Separate dashboard for doctor
- List of appointments from user
- Check each Appointment details
- Manage Appointments – Accept Reject
- Manage his/her profile, add, edit profile details
- 11. Payment Gateway for book appointment
- Cash on board option
- Braintree or PayPal added
- Stripe (pay using Debit or credit card)
- 12. Doctor manage his working Time-slot
- Add Time of observing patients
- App creates time-slot automatically as per doctors preference
- 1 patient in 1 time-slot
- Time-slot for 7 days,
- For each 7 days doctor can add separate time-slot
- 13. Notification
- Doctor get when get new appointment
- User get when doctor accept notification
- User get if doctor reject notification
- User get when he is absent for appointment
- User get if admin send notification
- User get when doctor set as complete appointment
- 14. Language Translation
- 15. RTL & Arabic support
- 1. Admin Dashboard
- Check list of latest appointment
- Total appointments
- Total Doctors
- Total user register in app
- Total review user added
- 2. Appointment History : check list of all appointment
- 3. Doctor List : All doctors list register in system
- 4. App Patient List register in app
- 5. Delete spam User
- 6. Add edit & delete specialist
- 7. Check Reviews added by user
- 8. Get user complains on board
- 9. Admin can send notification to user
- 10. Notification setting for android & IOS
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