The newest addition to this on-demand segment is a milk delivery mobile app that enables the users to get milk and other dairy products right at their doorstep. This Milk delivery App system assists the owners to manage the whole system that may include customer management, billing, product management and get the full record through the admin dashboard. Milk production and distribution is a long and lengthy process. We have made it simple for everyone. We have analyzed every step from production to delivery, and then we have developed our unique app solutions milk delivery app with creative UI/UX.Subscription Model
Different types of monthly subscriptions, such as subscription for those who only need milk, and a separate one for those who order a variety of milk products, is a great feature. This will enable the customers to set a recurring order while they sit back and enjoy the convenience.What’s included:
- Customer Android App Source Code- Delivery Boy App Source Code
- Admin Panel PHP Script Source Code
- Database file & Installation Documentation
Admin Panel Demo Access Click Here
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