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Complianz Privacy Suite (GDPR/CCPA) Pro - The Privacy Suite for WP

Complianz Privacy Suite (GDPR/CCPA) Pro - The Privacy Suite for WP v7.1.0 NULLED

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Get compliant today in the European Union and/or in the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom with the only Privacy Suite that offers a fully-featured plugin for GDPR, DSGVO, , CCPA, COPPA and more!

Cookie Notice
Get consent, before you start tracking and collecting data! Block scripts and third-party in your own style…

Legal Pages
Automatically generate a page with cookie information, a Privacy Page, a Do Not sell My Personal Information Page, and more.

Integrates with Tag Manager, Analytics. Placeholders for iFrames, videos and a wide range of plugin compatibility.

Records of Consent
An extended version of the freely available . Read more about Records of consent.

Improve your website with automatic A/B testing, anonymous data collection and affiliate/adwords integrations. Integrates with V2.0.

Multiple Regions
Cookie consent management with specific cookie notices, allocated legal documents for the European Union, United States of America, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.

A whole new way of automatically updating cookie descriptions. A community driven open-source project.

Dedicated Support
Get dedicated and truly premium support from privacy professionals and developers who don’t quit until a solution is reached.
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Complianz Privacy Suite (GDPR/CCPA) Pro - The Privacy Suite for WP

    = 7.1.0 = * May 7th, 2024 * Improvement: delete free translations files when premium is active *...
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