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Classified For Multipurpose App | Buysell Classified like Olx, Mercari, Offerup, Carousell

Classified For Multipurpose App | Buysell Classified like Olx, Mercari, Offerup, Carousell v1.4.6.1

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– Version : 1.4.0
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– Provided Full Application : iOS, Android and Frontend website with Admin Panel
– You can build
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“PSX Multi Purpose Classified Flutter App with Laravel Admin Panel” which is using Flutter(for mobile app) and Laravel(for admin panel). It included a Mobile Project and Backend Admin panel. Our item is a full application with the admin panel so users are able to change and manage dynamically from the admin panel.

  • User registration and login
  • User Login Options ( Email, Phone, Google, Apple, Facebook )
  • User follow, block, report and etc
  • User profile management
  • User Reviews and ratings system
  • Maps and location-based services
  • Listing creation and management
  • Image and video uploads at listing
  • Search and filtering options
  • Push notifications
  • Real-time chatting between buyers and sellers
  • Payment Options ( Paystack, Paypal, Stripe, Razor, IAP )
  • Promotion Ads
  • Package Ads purchased with In App Purchase
  • Monetization with Admob
  • Support for multiple & dynamic languages on the fly
  • Support RTL
  • App color able to change on the fly
  • Custom Fields at Ads
  • Offline Support on mobile app
  • Analytics and reporting from admin panel
  • Data Management from Admin Panel
  • App configuration form Admin Panel
  • System Configuration form Admin Panel
  • Location, Category, Sub Category and Ads management form Admin Panel
  • Compatible with latest Android
  • Compatible with latest iOS
  • Compatible with latest flutter SDK
Advanced Feature with PSBuilder Portal?

If a user wants to add new fields then they don’t need to modify at coding because they can add new custom fields dynamically from PSBuilder Portal. Users are able to use the PSBuilder according to Envato’s license terms and conditions. Users are able to transfer between PSBuilder and Admin Panel by using OneClick Updater. So, the main benefit is users are able to switch easily to another niche with custom fields without coding modification. Moreover, when we release new version, it is able to jump your existing version to the latest version.

Release Note

Version 1.4.0
Released Date : 21-12-2023
Change Log :
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  1. Classified For Multipurpose App | Buysell Classified like Olx, Mercari, Offerup, Carousell

    [H2 id='Additional+Release+Version+']Additional Release Version[/H2] Presenting...
  2. Multipurpose Classified App: Buy, Sell, Ecommerce like Olx, Mercari, Offerup, Carousell (1.4.6 )

  3. Multipurpose Classified App: Buy, Sell, Ecommerce like Olx, Mercari, Offerup, Carousell

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