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Classiads - Best Classified Ads WordPress Theme

Classiads - Best Classified Ads WordPress Theme v6.1.2

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Download Free Classiads - Classified Ads WordPress Theme Nulled ThemeForest
The ClassiAds is all time #1 Premium Classified Ads WordPress Theme on Themeforest. We know its a perfect choice for your business. Super flexible, Rich with features availability, Drag and Drop system with page builder and Top payment gateways 100% responsive design (try resizing your browser). Built with HTML5 and CSS3. A lot of thought and care were put into ClassiAds making it a pleasure to use.

We carefully hand crafted this theme with a strong focus on typography, usability and overall user-experience. It’s very quick to setup and easy to customize. You’ll love it.

PLUGINS: Three plugins will be required and other are recommended, Choice is yours whether you want to have them or not. Your theme will work properly without them. No paid plugin required means we will provide all the latest updates of the plugins with the theme updates. It doesn’t mean we are going to provide license of the plugins as these are third party plugins.

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