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BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager

BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager v1.9.8

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Profile visibilty manager

BuddyPress User Profile Visibility Manager is a plugin that allows you to give control to your users to manage their account privacy.

The BuddyPress User Profile Visibility Manages gives following controls to the users.


  • A user can show/hide his profile in Members Directory
  • A user can hide/show his profile in directory searches
  • A user can hide/show his last active time
  • A user can make set his/her account to following status:-
    • Everyone: Everyone can see his/her profile
    • Logged In Users Only: Only logged in users can see his/her profile
    • Friends Only: Only his/her friends can see/access his account
    • My Group Members: Only members of the groups of which the user is member can see the profile.
    • Only Me: That's private. Only the user and the super administrator can access his/her profile
  • A user can allow/block friendship requests
  • Depending on the settings, the user will not be visible anywhere( if they choose so), even will be hidden from widgets etc.
  • Admins can set the plugin to be admin only( Only admin can change/update or set default settings in that mode).
  • Simple hooks to customize the available privacy levels.
  • New: restrict access to members directory. You can select All, Logged In or Site admin only.
So, that is a mix of privacy + visibility or you can say, it allows your users to have preferences over what they want.

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