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Brickscore – For Bricks Builder

Brickscore – For Bricks Builder Brickscore – For Bricks Builder

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Brickscore is a powerful add-on for the Bricks Builder, a popular WordPress page builder. Specifically designed to boost the capabilities of Bricks Builder, Brickscore offers a suite of features that streamline website creation and management. It provides users with advanced design tools, customisable templates, and enhanced performance metrics, allowing for more efficient and creative web development. Brickscore’s integration with Bricks Builder ensures seamless compatibility, making it easier for users to enhance their websites without worrying about technical conflicts. Whether for personal blogs, business websites, or e-commerce platforms, Brickscore adds a layer of sophistication and flexibility, enabling users to craft unique, high-performing websites easily.


Version 1.3.6
New Mask Hover element
New Bubbles element
New Expanding Menu element
New Simple Menu element
New Flipbox element
New Motion Divider element
New Exchange Title element
New Trigger control at Menus

New Added Gradient support to Titles
Improve: Accesibility at Stripe megaMenu
Improve: Added Dynamic Data to elements that are based on images
Improve: Video Sequence dimensions can now be either full viewport or custom
Improve: Possibility of customizing overflow at OffCanvas Menu
Improve: Trigger reveal at Menus

Fix: Blade Reveal creates the blade at line breaks
Fix: Dark Mode now affects Site´s background
Fix: Covered the issue for blank installations with Bricks Builder 1.9.5 version
Fix: Links for Nav Items at Stripe megaMenu

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  1. Brickscore – For Bricks Builder – June 15, 2024 Fix: Horizontal Marquee children not showing up at the builder
  2. Brickscore – For Bricks Builder – April 15, 2024 Improve: Possibility to have more than one Observer per page Fix...
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