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Bookly Custom Fields (Add-on)

Bookly Custom Fields (Add-on) v4.2

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Bookly Custom Fields Add on

Download Free Bookly Custom Fields (Add-on) Premium Nulled CodeCanyon
Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the Bookly PRO installed and activated.
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By default, there are several fields like name, phone number, and email address, to be filled out by your clients before they confirm the booking.
With Custom Fields add-on, you can add extra fields to ask your customers for more details, or any kind of information. These fields will appear at the Details step of the booking process, and reservation details will be added to your Bookly Calendar.
  • Create as many items as you need;
  • Different types of questions (text fields, drop-down lists, multiple choices, etc.);
  • Make fields required or optional.
Find out just how easy it is to set up and use Bookly’s Custom Fields add-on in our detailed
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