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BookingPress WooCommerce Payment Gateway

BookingPress WooCommerce Payment Gateway v1.7

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The BookingPress WooCommerce Payment Gateway is a versatile WordPress plugin that links your booking system with WooCommerce’s extensive payment capabilities. This integration opens up many payment options available through WooCommerce, including major credit and debit cards, bank transfers, and digital wallets, catering to a broad customer base. The plugin is particularly beneficial for businesses that already use WooCommerce for their eCommerce activities, as it allows for a unified and streamlined payment process across both booking and shopping platforms. This seamless integration enhances the user experience and simplifies the management of transactions and financial records. The addon is user-friendly, easy to set up, and customizable to fit various business needs. With the BookingPress WooCommerce Payment Gateway, WordPress site owners can significantly boost their booking system’s efficiency and provide customers with a more flexible and secure payment experience.


Version 3.2.2 ( 27 December, 2023 )

  • Added: Created Date in exported appointments CSV file
  • Fixed: The backend date range picker is not proper in the mobile view
  • Fixed: backend calendar rendering issue with the first day of the week set to ‘Sunday’
  • Fixed: service buffer time conflicts with certain timeslot step settings
  • Fixed: The service extra’s duration doesn’t get included in the appointments grid
  • Fixed: Date picker and dropdown styling issue
  • Frontend & Backend Performance Optimization
  • Other minor bug fixes

View attachment 481
  • bookingpress-plugin (1).jpg
    bookingpress-plugin (1).jpg
    197.4 KB · Views: 2
First release
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