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BookingPress PayUMoney Payment Gateway Addon

BookingPress PayUMoney Payment Gateway Addon v 1.3

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The BookingPress PayUMoney Payment Gateway Addon is an innovative WordPress plugin tailored to integrate the PayUMoney payment system into your booking site. Designed for businesses targeting the Indian market, this addon connects seamlessly with PayUMoney, a popular and trusted payment gateway in India. It allows customers to complete transactions using various payment methods like credit/debit cards, net banking, and wallets, offering flexibility and convenience. The integration facilitates a smooth and secure payment process, reinforcing customer confidence and satisfaction. This addon is particularly advantageous for small to medium-sized businesses looking to streamline their online booking system with a reliable payment solution. With its user-friendly interface and simple setup process, the BookingPress PayUMoney Payment Gateway Addon is a strategic tool for enhancing the efficiency of your online bookings and payment collection on a WordPress platform.

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