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Anartisis - News & Magazine Blogger Theme

Anartisis - News & Magazine Blogger Theme v2.0.5

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Download Anartisis - News & Magazine Blogger Theme Nulled Free ThemeForest
Anartisis is a perfect tool for publishers, magazines, newspapers, bloggers and other news websites, for everyone who wants to work in blogspot. Use Anartisis for many niches, such as politics, fashion, gaming, videos, music, business and world news. This Blogger Theme is based on the latest Bootstrap 4 framework and it’s fully responsive. Organized files for Blogger Theme Designer tool will help you to customize the look of your website. Try Anartisis Blogger Theme today and build your perfect magazine website.

Main features
  • Clean, Responsive Design
  • Drag and Drop Homepage Builder
  • Official Blogger Google Fonts
  • Unlimited Color Combination
  • Turbo Fast Support
  • Layout Control Options
  • Social Counter
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  • RTL Direction Support
  • Easy to Customize
  • Flexible and Multipurpose
  • Megamenu based on Labels
  • Ready to Translate
  • Easy Youtube Video Upload from Post Editor
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  • And much more…
Note: Images are for demo purpose only and not included in the template package.
  • Love
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