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Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin

Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin v7.7

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Download Amelia v7.3 - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
v7.3 (21.12.2023)
Update with a new feature, an improvement, and a couple of bug fixes:
Feature: Multiple selections in shortcode- choose multiple tags or events within a single webpage when using the Event List form
Feature: Added option to set daily appointment limits for employees
Improvement: Added a new filter option for customers based on the No-show tag
Updated and added new translations: Romanian, Sweden and Dutch
BugFix: Fixed issue with double appointments when booked at the same time in the customer panel
BugFix: Fixed issue with checkbox label custom field
BugFix: Fixed issue with Event location and ‘Load Entities on page load’ option
BugFix: Fixed issue with notifications not being sent when appointments are approved/rejected via links
BugFix: Fixed issue with dashboard optimization
Other small bug fixes and stability improvements Amelia Amelia
First release
Last update
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  1. Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin

    [H3 id='Changelog']Changelog[/H3] [H2 id='Version+7.7+Released+16.07.2024']Version 7.7 (Released...
  2. Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin

    [H3 id='Version+7.6+17.06.2024']Version 7.6 (17.06.2024)[/H3] Update with new features, a few...
  3. Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin

    [H3 id='BVersion+7.5.1+07.05.2024B']Version 7.5.1 (07.05.2024)[/H3] Update with a couple of...
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